I Really Hate This
Friday, Sept. 14, 2007
12:43 a.m.

Resume and cover letter sent to the library. We'll see how that turns out. I feel guilty because the kennel I turned down has an ad in the paper again.

There's someone wanting a French tutor for a high schooler, which I could maybe do if it was a first year student. I have a feeling from the ad that the kid's first language isn't English, though, which would prove very interesting. On the whole, I think it's something a French major would be better suited to.

There's another winery looking for "hosts", but it's almost half an hour south of here.

I think it's incredible the number of places who don't bother, in their ads, to say who they are. Sorry, if I have to Google your phone number to find out what sort of business you are, I don't really want to work for you. It sounds like they've got something to hide.

I got a Flickr comment to the tune of "you could make a quarter every time someone downloads your image if you submit images to a stock image site!" I looked it up and it appears that I wouldn't have to pay for this privilege, nor would the company own my image forever. The hitch is that they don't send you any proceeds until you hit seventy five bucks. Even if I were being generous and believed that one picture would get downloaded a day, that's still almost a year before I'd get to the benchmark.

Er, thanks, but no, thanks.

I'm beginning to get uneasy about all this because if I need to let the school know one way or another. It's only fair. But as soon as I do that, I'm almost positive that I won't find anything and then where will I be?

It'd be easier if I could at least do it without adding to my guilt. It's like I'm paying for all that crassness I had back in high school, or something. I could say and do horrible, cutting things and it was like water off the duck. Never before or after have I been like that. I wish I could get some of that back.

Or, if that's not going to happen, I'll take a hundred million dollars. You know, whichever.

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