What Have I Done Today?
Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2007
5:37 p.m.

I know I've mentioned Radio Lab before, but I've been listening to a lot of them today. I can't ever find the radio broadcast, and it gives me something to do with my brain while I'm knitting- I need my eyes to knit, so I can't watch television but radio is ideal.

I'm absolutely fascinated. I've been listening to how your brain deals with love, how your brain and your body work together (with a whole section on "phantom limbs"), the findings in ancient Egyptian garbage dumps and the descendants of Ghengis Khan. I love me the science and technology, but not in your standard high school/college course style, which is about filling in the tests, not about knowing things.

Took pictures today. Not much, but I'm getting back into the habit. I'd planned to take pictures at both the state fairs we planned to go to, but we never went, and I just kinda dropped off. I decided I'd just play around and not worry about being particularly interesting, and I rarely use b&w, so there's that. Anyway, check out the Flickr badge under the links to see the latest.

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