Saturday, Feb. 16, 2008
12:27 a.m.

I'm going to join the ranks of those with a cafepress store. Yeah, probably nothing will come of it, but I figure I'll have some fun. It all started because I decided the world needs a shirt with a purple lightsabre (not a trademarked name, surprisingly) accompanied by the words, "Don't go out like a punk." Yeah, if you get it, you're a big nerd like me. I spent all day fiddling around trying to make a lightsabre effect, and I'm really impressed with the results. The hilt's a tad bit cartoony, but for what I'm using it for, that's OK.

Have I mentioned that I was convinced that the Z in ZOMG stood for Zombie? That's another project in the works, but I'm not exactly sure how to do it.

I'd like to do my "Kodos" vote t-shirt, but Kodos is really trade-marked, and I know that anything Simpsons is pretty closely guarded.

It'll be fun at least making a whole bunch of stuff no one will buy, anyway.

We're joining the ranks of Guitar Hero players. We figured we'd either get Mario or Guitar Hero. We rented Mario and decided that the multi-player is nice, but not for us. The designers described it as a co-op built with a parent and child in mind (experienced player with a beginner), and we're not really there. We're both pretty competant. Personally, I liked the plan for the original Donkey Kong, which offers two player competative or co-op.

The Boy will actually play Guitar Hero with me, though, which'll be nice, since that was the reason we got it in the first place. I'll get Mario someday, but I think I'll finish Zelda first, after which Mario will probably feel like a breeze.

I know, you care all about my Wii-ing, don't you? I wish I could say there was more going on in my life, but you guys are getting all the best details. Trust me.

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