Happy Ice Storm and Such
Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2008
6:33 p.m.

They closed down the university for the first time in twenty odd years in honour of my birthday.

Or, maybe the ice storm. You believe what you want, I'll believe what I want.

Yesterday it rained, then it froze, then it snowed, then it rained some more. They closed the university at four AM, our power went off for a couple hours at nine. We decided to venture outside about two to see if we couldn't scrape off the car.

About an hour later, we were finally in the nice warm car on our way to the theatre so The Boy could work. All the other grad students (save the two who are sleeping together in spite of the fact that while they aren't married to each other, one of them is indeed married) were in working, so he figured unless we physically couldn't get the car out of the drive we'd go. Me because, what was I supposed to do, sit at home all by myself like usual? I'd rather be useful.

Tomorrow would be the annual "Expose High School Kids to Theatre Day", but it's been nixed. Since the department usually doesn't have classes that day anyway, they're going ahead with that plan, but everyone is expected to come in to work anyway.

I am 24 now. It's been a most uneventful birthday that will remain as such. Sigh. See my birthday last year for my opinions on birthdays.

Some nice ice pictures to put up on Flickr, though.

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