Ball Rolling again
Tuesday, Mar. 21, 2006
3:08 p.m.

So... I've been gone a while. To the gracious Miss KT-D, while I haven't had a chance to e-mail you back, I appreciate it, but I discovered I have left-over birthday money.

This means I'm getting the gold membership. I've spent so much time here already, and I keep talking about it, and there's birthday money to do with as I please, so I figure it'll be fun for a year. Then we'll see what happens.

It's about time to update the wedding site again as we've finally gotten some stuff accomplished! I have a dress, the rings should be in the mail when I get home today or tomorrow, flowers are all taken care of, food is mostly taken care of, clothes for the males are taken care of (well, it's up to Todd the BM to go get himself measured, but he's resigned to his dark purple vest), flowers and centerpieces are all taken care of... In fact, I think we have just about everything but the cake, the invitations, and Brandy the MOH's dress.

Which, as she e-mailed me today, "she is the worst MOH ever!" I don't think quite that badly of her, but when she doesn't exactly return calls or e-mails or anything, yeah... But she might be able to make it up this weekend so we can try to find the girl a dress.

So, now it's time to go see if I can find anyone I know on the Sex Offender List. It's fun... or something.

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