Reverse Psychology
Monday, Jun. 13, 2005
8:42 a.m.

So now I know what works in D-land... reverse psychology! I ask you people to comment on stuff and you studiously ignore my requests. However, beg you to let one little rant slide uncommented, and damned if I don't hear from people who are generally in "stealth read" mode ('course, I do that all the time too, but, y'know).

Not that I don't 'preciate it, 'cause I do, but, geeze, if someone'd only told me that this was the way.

OK people, from now on, no comments. I don't want anyone to say anything, ever. Are we all clear on what I don't want all of you to do?


Now watch you all prove to me that my theory was wrong and you are all just fickle inconsistants. Or something.

So, let's test out this little theory here. I put my sketches up on the website I made for the wedding (the one I discussed a fair while back as not as good as this one). If you wouldn't, I'd like it if you wouldn't go here and not look at them. Please, don't do this for me.


(Moons and Pig-snicket, in spite of all I said, you guys did make me feel better, thanks.)

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