Poetry, Music, no Angst
Monday, Nov. 29, 2004
3:26 p.m.

OK, OK, lots of holiday stuff recently, I know. This diary reads as though all I do are holidays. Oh don't I wish.

Today, however, I offer first a children's poem I wrote yesterday. It hasn't a title yet, so people with suggestions, feel free.

In a Teeny Tiny village, in a Teeny Tiny house,
Lived a Teeny Tiny woman who saw a Teeny Tiny mouse.

The Teeny Tiny woman told her Teeny Tiny cat,
�Catch that Teeny Tiny mouse and you�ll have tuna �till you�re fat!�

Now in a Teeny Tiny knothole in the Teeny Tiny wall,
Eating Teeny Tiny cheese lived the Teeny Tiny mouse,
With his Teeny Tiny children and his Teeny Tiny spouse.

The Teeny Tiny cat knew the Teeny Tiny mice
Were in the Teeny Tiny knothole in the Teeny Tiny wall.
So there he lingered and he waited, catching not a thing at all.

After a not so Teeny Tiny time, with nothing Teeny Tiny caught,
The Teeny Tiny cat made up a Teeny Tiny plot.

The Teeny Tiny cat found a Teeny Tiny match to light the Teeny Tiny fuse�
And burst those Teeny Tiny mice out of their Teeny Tiny shoes!

Just one Teeny Tiny problem with the Teeny Tiny plan:
The Teeny Tiny house, in the blink of a Teeny Tiny eye,
Flew out of its Teeny Tiny yard into the Teeny Tiny sky.

So the Teeny Tiny house has no more Teeny Tiny mice,
But the Teeny Tiny cat hasn�t got his Teeny Tiny wish,
They�re still flying and still soaring: in the sky there is no tuna fish.

Brother Will says "publish", friend Stacie laughed her ass off, Nathan smiled and reminded me we're dirt poor, Leo the Russian read without comment. Other comments are most certainly welcome. I am in the process of making illustrations. If there's an interest, I'll put 'em up when I can get hold of a scanner.

I'm doing this mostly, of course, because I have a drop point perspective due tomorrow. I have an response paper on a speaker due tomorrow. I have a five minute scene to memorise for tomorrow.

I do not understand drop point, I understand that it turns a top view into a head-on view, I just can't remember how to do that. I know that it's supposed to be so fucking difficult to understand, and it takes practice to get the knack, but when it takes me an hour and a half to draw a rug and a nine inch tall platform, mustn't I be doing something wrong?

The response is supposed to be about a speaker we had two weeks ago or so. She was a minor character on The West Wing for a while, and the university paid an extraordinary sum of money for her to come and, well, show off. Most of us students had assumed she would come to talk about the way she developed some of the other work she has done, but instead she did impressions of people like Studs Terkel and a Jewish woman who talked like George Costanza's mother from Seinfeld, and she calls this acting. We were dissapointed, on the whole, to say the least. I don't know how to curb my opinions into some sort of objective response, and I don't want to deal with it.

The scene... This would be with Kamilah, again. She thinks we're not going to be off book for Wednesday and she wants to do it again on the optional work days. I didn't want to do this scene three times, I definately don't want to do it a fourth. I have to get this thing learned so that if she doesn't know it, that's her problem.

So I have things to do, but I don't want to do them. I want to cut my illustrations out of construction paper and listen to bad music.

Recently I have had some horrible taste in music, Abba (Dancing Queen), Queen (Bicycle Race), Foreigner (Eye of the Tiger), Falco (Amadeus), Right Said Fred (I'm Too Sexy), and Tommy Tutone (Jenny) to name a few. Where did the 80's come from all of a sudden? I know I was born in them, but, er, I didn't even listen to the music at the time. My good taste is melting out my ears, I guess.

On the flip side, Caroline's Spine is good.

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