Sleep and movies
Wednesday, Mar. 16, 2005
6:03 a.m.

I am horribly awake. I got up for a drink of water almost an hour ago and knew I wouldn't be going back to sleep for a while. Sure as certain, here I am.

This is the earliest I've been awake in over a year. Funny to consider since I spent almost seven years getting up at this hour to catch a bus.

I almost marvel to think of myself in high school. I would get up at six, school started at seven forty five. Even though school was out by three on busy nights I'd be home by about ten and then, homework or no, I could still stay up until one or two in the morning. Of course, unbusy days involved me sleeping inordinate hours of the afternoon. My parents still believe that the earliest I probably get up on weekends is two o clock.

And I'm sure my sleeping habits are of interest to you all.

In other News To Make You Yawn, I'm thinking of compiling a list of movies I will watch. Nathan's favourites include football movies, war movies, action movies, and chick flicks. That last one not because he's interested in the movies so much as the invariably gorgeous girls in them.

As a side note, it boggles my mind how so many of my sex can fall for that "homely girl turned beauty queen" thing. Think Sabrina, or The Princess Diaries, or even Shallow Hal. They're totally backwards to what the movie relates: they have taken a lithe, limpid Hollywood star and gave her glasses, a bad perm, dressed her badly and told her to walk like the challenged kids she visits in the hospital. In the course of the film they take all that away and she "miraculously" turns beautiful. Just once I'd like to see them try it with one of the homely girls and make it a real transformation, without a lot of spirit gum.

But back to the boy's choice of movies... It makes trying to rent a movie nigh unto impossible. He has a list a million miles long of movies he wants to see, and about ten of them are movies I might actually be able to sit quietly through.

Granted, the whole thing would be much easier if I did not have a habit of berating the characters in stupid movies. We cannot sit through any sort of police or emergency drama together. I tend to scream at the bastards playing the cops because they have this whole "I'm a Clever Dick and You're a Criminal So I Will Be Totally Inhuman" additude that makes me want to ram a fist through the screen.

This could be the problem with the image of the police force.

Although, I have seen sizable bits of various Prime Suspects, and I like what I see. Helen Mirren doesn't have the bastard additude, more of an, "OK, We'll Play Your Game, and I'm Sorry But I'm Going To Win Anyway". Of course, it's not American, so that could have something to do with it.

The sky outside is looking a bit pinkish. If I go back to bed now I will probably be able to get back to sleep. G'night folks.

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