Play's Plot Premise
Monday, Nov. 13, 2006
8:46 p.m.

Auditions tomorrow. I have a very rough story line and eleven pages of script. Yeah, I suck.

For a quick summary, the story starts out with the parents of Princess Mairi (pronounced Mahry). The queen goes out one day when Mairi is very young and dies. (This is, of course, important.) Mairi grows up and when she's fifteen a dragon comes to the kingdom. Her father wants to call George the Dragon Slayer to get rid of it, since the peasant's union (yeah, it's that kind of play) is in an uproar. Mairi doesn't want the dragon killed and goes to warn the dragon.

The dragon doesn't eat her, but sends her away (it doesn't look right, a princess returning from a dragon's cave) to seek out The Enchantress in the land of Shamorah, who will know what to do about everything (whatever that means, it's intentionally vauge). As she journeys to Shamorah, she meets up with a girl named Lucy.

In an earlier sceen, Lucy's lover has recently decided that he's tired of working on land, and is going to go to sea. He goes, and Lucy is left alone, pining for him. She wishes she could change into a blackbird so that she could fly to him.

Also along the way, they meet a prince/lord/knight (a guy, at any rate), who is looking for something (I haven't really worked the beginning and middle of his story out yet). He agrees to go with them for a time, and falls in love with Lucy.

They all three head off for Shamorah. Lucy meets The Enchantress and gets her wish and turns into a bird, and flies to see her lover who (of course) does not realise she is Lucy, just a bird, and spurns her.

When The Enchantress realises who Mairi is, she reveals that she is the King's long lost sister, who would be next in line to rule if Mairi were dead. So, she doesn't kill her, but she captures her.

That's pretty much what I know is going to happen thus far. I've got a couple of perturbed page/narrators to work into the rest of the story (I mentioned on page one they're important). I know that the prince/lord/knight/boy is going to save Mairi and turn out to be Lucy's true love, turning her back into a human. Which could mean that they don't pick him up on the way, but instead he rescues Mairi from The Enchantress as his own mission, and then meets Lucy and realises she's his true love, but I'm not certain on the details yet.

Lucy's story, is, of course, based on the song "If I Was a Blackbird", which she'll sing, and there are a bunch of other songs. The false lover's leaving song is "Botany Bay", with the lyrics altered a little bit. The Dragon (which I'm probably going to cast as four or six kids holding dragon body parts) is going to sing a round with himself, along with a couple others I haven't had time to really get into yet.

I'm having fun with it, I just hope it doesn't get too long.

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