Woher kommst du?
Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2005
6:14 p.m.

Stetzen Sie Sich! Lesen Sie das Buch! Quick translation, "Sit down! Read the book!"

Ja, it is the German class I am having. I'm taking it because, heck, languages are fun, and Nathan still needs a foreign language but has been unable to pass any such class. The idea is that if I have any idea what he's supposed to be learning, I ought to be able to help him.

When the woman walked in and started talking to herself (For some reason this seems to be a trait of language teachers, even in English they babble to themselves. They must feel like that's all they're really doing sometimes.), I thought she had a really odd accent for a German woman. I was right, she's French. Her assistant is Russian. What a way to learn German, but I guess it wasn't so odd taking French from Americans through high school.

I am liking the German very much, as of day two. I'm having some trouble because any time we're supposed to talk to the people next to us, since I don't know hardly any German yet, I try to supplant with French- can't help it. I know all the "I feel like such a jerk" phrases ("I don't know", "Something like that", and "I think") in French. Need to look them up in German now.

Nathan's at work and I ought to be doing dishes, but damned if I feel like it. I did four loads of laundry and made most of dinner, that's good enough, isn't it? Even though the last load didn't quite dry and I managed to burn the onion rings. It was an experiment, and hopefully I've learnt from it. At any rate, I should not be as tired as I am.

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