Love and Fishes
Monday, May. 28, 2007
11:39 p.m.

Three boxes of Kleenex later, I am feeling better. I think I've finally caught on to why I get colds when I get them. If it's not sickness, I get major lower back pain that, a couple times, has made keeping vertical totally impossible. That connection was obvious, the colds, not so much. What's rediculous is that none of this even happened until about three or four years ago.

Honestly, as soon as that Lybrel stuff becomes A) Avaliable and B) Affordable, methinks I will be all over that to keep my other systems functioning. The moon is just not kind to me. To the men in the audience who have no idea what I'm on about, um, just Google and don't be too grossed out, OK?

Er, anyway, leaving that happy topic... Yesterday was the first year wedding anniversary. Which we spent buying groceries, doing laundry, and using the rest of the gift certificates from the elementary school parents. Woo hoo.

We still have the top to the wedding cake. We bought dry ice and moved it with us. However, I realised yesterday afternoon that we probably didn't want to eat it frozen.

"What do we do with it?"
"I don't know."
"What do you mean, you don't know, haven't you been to weddings? Don't you have an older brother who had a first anniversary?"
"That doesn't mean I know what to do with frozen wedding cake!"

It came with freezing instructions, but not unfreezing. I have a feeling most people don't let it last the whole year. We probably wouldn't even have done it except that the whole top was leftover. The internet said to leave it out for anywhere from 12-24 hours in the stuff it was frozen in. Friend Brandy, also my bridesmaid, once said that frozen wedding cake the year after is gross, which is probably true (is pizza ever really good after it goes through the microwave?), but we have it.

I guess we'll find out later.

Thanks to the bamboo thickets down at the nearby arboretum, I'm drying some fishing poles. This isn't like the bamboo fly fishing poles; this is the Opie and Huck Finn variety: straight pole without a reel. I figure my only opportunity to go fishing would be if Nephews 1 and 2 would want to go. Thing is, I think their fishing experience is limited to crappy plastic fishing poles. Nephew #1 is also not given to following instructions, so there is no way I'll let them anywhere near my stuff (expensive, delicate, not for use as rapiers or brother pokers). If the bamboo dries without splitting, it's supposed to make a really nice pole. No reel required, so no tangled fishing line. Also, if they toss it in the drink, bamboo floats, and if they were to lose it entirely, I'd only be out the hook and the bobber.

Of course, the big "if" is whether or not it'll dry without splitting in a month. We did manage to find culms that were already broken off (we only needed eight or ten feet of bamboo, and most of the stuff that grows there is more like twenty), so I hope that means they've been drying out a little bit already.

The Boy does not understand the process. To demonstrate, he snapped one of them in two on the walk back to the car. Never mind that if you do that to an ultra light fishing rod you're going to have the same result. Besides, these are basically meant to fish panfish, half a pound of fish, not ten pounds of muskie, though I suppose it could be done.

The Boy starts his summer work tomorrow. He's working NewUni's summer theatre programme. They've got a not so bad season, Nunsense, Complete History of America Abridged, Millie, and I think Aida. Aida is the questionable one, because I believe that one's the high school show. Famous Egyptian themed opera cum musical performed by average talented high schoolers, woo hoo.

I'll probably go see History, at least.

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