Fairy drops
Tuesday, Dec. 07, 2004
3:02 p.m.

Today was the Midsummer Directing Scene. Oh yes. Actually, it didn't go all that badly: the class thinks the way I direct David is fabulous. Little secret about that, I don't direct David, not at all. He does stuff, and I like it, and that's about it.

The single worst thing that happened, I had a whole troupe of paper fairies. They were attached with fishing line and flown by Sam up in the catwalks. The first one, appearing by herself, fell off her stick. David had to pick her up off the floor and talk to her. The mobile of five fairies got hopelessly entangled. It was great.

People got the idea, they liked the idea, I think they were sorry the rest of it wasn't better. So was I, to an extent, but if they'd been at rehearsals they'd have known as well as I did that it couldn't have gotten better.

Leo the Russian left for Russia today. He'll be back next semester and in the meanwhile I have to read Spinning into Butter- that's what he's talked about seriously considering for the show. Nathan's read it, but I haven't.

Now I have two or three projects to finish for Drawing and Rendering, as well as finish my sketchbook. I have a take-home final for Acting III, which, who knows when we'll get that. I have to turn in a paper for Theatre and Its Lit (I wrote it for another class, but they're on the exact same topic. So what if it's plagarism?). Then I have one more paper to write for Directing and I will be done with this semester.

Then, on the 17th I get to move out. I probably ought to start packing for that. After that I have to go home for four days, and then I move in to the apartment up here. Two days later, Christmas.

Right now I feel like I have a lot of time left, but I'm sure when I start trying to get everything done in the next week and a half, it won't seem that way. Ugh.

Well, time to go play the sequel to The Cow Game: The Cow Game in Winter! Or Winter Marathon, as those crazy German speakers say. You go play too. It's fun.

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