Monday, Jan. 17, 2005
10:21 a.m.

The city has been advertising a "Wedding Extravaganza" for about a month. They were, however, a little shaky on the details. This should have been a clue. Time, date and place were all the papers were giving out, along with saying it was the biggest thing in the area. Figuring they would have a lot of local people, rather than people from DM or CR, I wanted to go.

It was more of a "Wedding Mediocrity". We paid four bucks for the two of us to wander around and look at maybe forty booths. It took us less than half an hour to get through the entire thing.

I suppose the big deal was supposed to be the fashion show, but those things always depress me, so there's no way I was going to watch that. Really, everything you're supposed to do at a wedding sort of depresses me; get dressed up in the very bestest clothes ever, do a whole bunch of things you have to do simply because that's what is done at such a gathering, and then talk to a whole bunch of people who you probably barely know. What about this is supposed to be fun? Why on earth is this supposed to be something I would want to plan since age five? In my mind, I love the guy, I want to marry him, but do we have to have a wedding? So I need some time to talk myself into the whole thing.

Nathan was just about the only guy in the whole place. I apologised about a million times, but since I certainly couldn't have made it through there all by myself, he had to come.

And now we know not to go back next year, that's for sure. Next year we would have less than six months, so I don't know why people kept looking at me funny when I said we were getting married in 2006.

The weirdest thing about the whole deal was that they had this weird white paper runner right in the middle of the floor in one of the rooms. It split right down the middle of a walkway, and they had all kinds of official people standing there asking everyone to please either go around it, or step over it but please for the love of all that is good, do not step on it.

You tape white paper to the floor in the middle of a major traffic area and tell people not to walk on it? How brilliant is that?

After the "Wedding Mediocrity" fizzled out for us, we went down to DM to pick up some things from my house. That was uneventful. However, it's about a two hour drive, so we were coming back at nine o clock at night in temperatures hoovering right around freezing.

Blew out a tire. In the dark, in the cold, by the side of the highway. Honestly it wasn't that bad, but at the time it was just really sucky. About twenty minutes into the process a cop pulled up behind us and asked if he could call a wrecker for us. We said no and he took off. That bugged me. You'd think he might realise that we're still stuck out there, and his headlights make a real great work light.

About twenty minutes after that a guy in a Chevey pulled up. He knew mostly he was giving us light, which was great, and he had an automotive socket set on him which saved us about twenty minutes. Judging by the back of his truck when he pulled out, he was a contractor of sorts, didn't even have a tail gate the bed was so full of toolboxes. Thank you oh so much Mr. Chevey Contractor Man.

The only thing left for me to say is that semis make a hell of a lot of wind when they blow past you at sixty five miles an hour.

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