The Play's the Thing
Saturday, Oct. 21, 2006
4:20 p.m.

Just as mysteriously as the Internet gremlins descended, they have gone.

Je ne comprend pas.

I always use French for disbelief, and German for giving direction. The French for uncertainty and the German for command: it almost almost sounds like I've applied the typical stereotypes to the culture's languages without realising it.

It's 64 degrees here. The Grown Ups just called and informed me that it's 34 at home and might snow before tomorrow. Now I see why I think fall has lasted far longer than it should.

I probably have a job as an elementary school after school drama director. I'll know for sure by the end of the week, but like the guy told me, it's not like they're getting the door knocked down with applicants. I like kids, I like theatre, I just hope I haven't fallen into deep water.

There are something in the region of 100 kids that audition for these things, and as is generally the case the audition is only a formality. Most of the kids also have really involved parents, which is one of those blessing curse situations, and the part that I am actually worried about. I have no problems with kids, it's their rabid parents that frighten me.

I have a feeling they would really like a musical. I know me well enough to know that I won't do a musical. They gave me the DVD from last year's performance, and I'm really glad an ex-mom/secretary informed me that this was not a great production. She gave me another VHS that she says is several times better and was done, I guess, by a woman they all adored, but who had to leave five years ago and they've had some fly-by-nights since then.

Generally they do two shows, a fall K-5 and a spring 6-8. (I think I've got the division right, it could be K-4 and 5-8, but I don't know for certain.) But as the fall show generally goes up in less than a month, they agreed that would be totally insane.

I'll hear for certain next week some time, but in the meanwhile, I'm combing the script publishers for scripts that give at least 25-30 "roles", and from there I can double cast the same roles. As impossible as that sounds, I found one: it's about a girl and a circus, which could be fun.

I won't do a musical, and I know I don't want to do anything that at any point in time has been a Disney movie, so this is probably a good choice, but I'd like some others. I keep finding things that would be really cool to do, fantasy sorts of things, but they involve witches. Thanks to the Harry Potter Haters crowd, I'll just steer clear of witchcraft in any way, shape or form, I don't know what sort of adults I'm dealing with, like I said.

It's time for me to try to wake The Boy up from his nap again. I tried once half an hour ago, and now he's had a three hour nap... If I didn't know better, sometimes I think it sounds like I had a six year old instead of a husband.

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