Calm after the storm?
Tuesday, Jun. 28, 2005
6:32 p.m.

Thunderstorms continue to ravage our living room. Our current hypothesis is that the downspouts on the building are leaking underground (what sort of idiots bury downspouts in the ground?), meaning that all of the water from the roof is pouring into our apartment and the one across the hall. Today they worked on fixing that little problem.

No one lives across the hall and they've taken the carpet out. Eventually they'll get ours cleaned. We may go in and talk to them about moving, but if it seems like the water goes away we may see if we can get some kind of compensation for the inability to live like human beings for a week or so. All of our furniture is covered with books, DVD's, shoes, and everything else that sat on the floors.

As it is, I'm on the computer in the good ol' Box Office because it's still not possible to sit at the desk at home. Luckily, I've been hired six hours a week to come in and help organise and clean the Box Office and fix some things in addition to the kid's theatre gig.

More news as things warrant.

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