Big Pink Bridal Barn Proceedings
Monday, Sept. 26, 2005
7:15 p.m.

Dress shopping wasn't terrible. While it's still not something I want to do every day, it no longer makes me want to die inside.

The Big Pink Bridal Barn had their power out as of ten that morning, but they'd been using flashlights and showing people around. They remembered our phone call to them, and then realised that the upstairs was even darker than downstairs, and upstairs was, of course, where they kept all the maids dresses. AND, they had just run out of flashlights.

Having driven an hour to get to the place, we decided we were going to look around at any costs. Nathan had a Maglite in the truck, so we went to get it and then ran upstairs. The woman helping us was a nice old lady. She told me that the dressing rooms upstairs were way too dark (no windows), and the downstairs ones were all full, but I could certainly change in this storage closet if I wanted to- it had a door and a window.

It was a lot of fun, and everybody was really friendly and knew what they were doing. They drug out anything in the whole store with sleeves that they knew came in a green. So, now I've got two options, but this newest one is definatly higher on the list.

There's one more place I'd like to get to, but I have to wait a while before I have a free weekend to go out there. Unfortunately, they don't have a website, so I have no idea what names they even carry.

I bought myself a bottle of Flintstones vitamins yesterday. I was under the impression that once you hit age twelve kid's vitamins were off limits, like the kid's menu at restaurants. But, you cannot find chewable adult vitamins. I like things that are chewable- Tylenol frightens me a little because it isn't chewed. However, it seems I was wrong and I can remain a Flintstones' kid forever. Score.

I have agreed to be Lady Macbeth for Friend Carson- he has to direct scene 2.2 for class. Of course, he asked Nathan to be Macbeth. I wish them both the best of luck in hopes that Nathan can get his lines learned. Although, at the same time, if he can learn them for Carson, but not me, I may be a bit peeved.

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