Giant ass zit, and other stories.
Monday, May. 22, 2006
1:11 p.m.

I have a giant ass zit. Not just a giant zit, but a giant zit on my ass. I know, you all wanted to know, but I mention it because it boggles my mind. I have no idea how it got there, so it must have sprung up over night, but it is enormous. It looks like one of those giant red mosquito bites, or maybe a small ass tumour. Except that it's not either of those. I did spend some amount of time with a couple of mirrors trying to work out whether it was a spider bite or not, but I couldn't get at the right viewing angle and still keep the light on it in order to decide.

By my wonderous powers of deduction, then, I have decided it must be a giant ass zit. But how, and why? I have never grown such things there before, at least not to such a size that I discover it and cry, "Holy crap, what is that thing on my ass!?"

I wonder if I'm under more stress than is normal?

We Interupt This Diary For A Public Service Announcement
If you plan on getting your marriage license, take cash or check. Plastic money, no matter how willing the shopping centres and post office are to accept it, is not a valid option.

Yeah, we got to go through court-house security three times today because we realised too late that we only had twenty five in cash between us, and my check book was thirty minutes away at home. Not a huge deal, but I was worried we'd have to fill out all the paper work again. We were lucky, the nice lady kept it on her desk for us as we ran to a bank.

Went looking for apartments this last weekend. We looked at three really bad places- the one had bad floors and those itty bitty pretendy appliances, and the other was the kind of apartment complex you expect COPS shows up to at least twice a week. There wasn't necessarily anything seriously wrong with the place, but it did not have happy vibes.

We looked at one place that was super fantastic, but the price tag was not. It was a brand new townhouse with washer and dryer, outlets practically every two feet, dishwasher, Internet connections, and you paid for it. So, maybe when we're semi richer we'll keep them in mind.

We went to two places that would've been great. One of them was all utilities paid, and the other was a darling little house with wood floors, a fireplace, a lot of closets for so small a house, and a huge built in bookcase in the smaller bedroom. The problem was we realised that we'd never get all our furniture in either of them. Maybe if we weren't inheriting a nine foot couch and had a normal sized dining table (as opposed to the little cafe set-ups most people have in apartments).

One place was relatively nice, we'd get a yard and a big living room and kitchen, decent sized bedrooms and attic space. The only problem with the place is that it didn't have a lot in the way of A/C (a big window unit that was cut into the living room wall), and we'd have to share washer and dryer.

But we found another place, which is essentially the next generation for trailer parks. The very words make me shudder inside, but it'd be a brand new place, and it has all new appliances, washer and dryer and two full baths. I don't really know why we would need two full baths, but the difference in price between the brand new place and the other place I just mentioned was $25.

We're not sure what to take, but my guess is we're leaning towards the last one. Basements aren't an issue because absolutely none of the places we looked at had any. Apparently the last time the town had a bad tornado through was 1950, in December. Before that it was 1925, and it didn't even get this town, it got the next one over.

And now I have to go pick up the dress for this weekend. By myself, which... I've never done the drive alone, I could get horribly lost.

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