Friday, Sept. 09, 2005
11:36 a.m.

I think I may convert to Flying Spaghetti Monsterism. Technically I'm a Methodist, but I wasn't baptised. I don't fully understand this move; my mother's father is a preacher, my father's father was super active in the church, but my parents are as religiously apathetic as I am.

Well, not religiously apathetic... I don't know how to explain it. A lot of the books I read as a child were Bible story collections, and they're all about morality- be nice to people, don't steal crap, if you want to get ahead in life fool your old blind father into believing you're your brother, etc.

The major thing that Methodists believe in is the ability to read the Bible and use their own reaon. In principle I agree with this, but they are also pro Father Son and Holy Ghost.

My problem with religion is the Holy Trinity. Have we got one out there who believe everything Christians believe minus the Holy Trinity? I don't know.

At any rate, until I find one I think I'll be a Flying Spaghetti Monsterist. Pastafarians believe that the world was created by a Flying Spahetti Monster. He is invisible and can change the world however he feels at any given time.

I am not a conservative Pastafarian. The Conservatives believe that if they do not wear full pirate regalia at all times, His Noodlyness will be angry. I don't think I would go that far, I believe the FSM is a loving FSM. I am not certain that the prophet Bobby Henderson speaks soley for the FSM, but I believe that he has a firm faith and understanding of the FSM. I may not observe every single religious holiday, as they occur each Friday. I will celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day, September 19th, as I am sure all devout Pastafarians do.

I have not yet been touched by His Noodly Appendage, but I hope one day to truly know Him so I may go to my stripper house and volcano of beer in the sky as all good followers do.

Spread the word! Ramen!

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