Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2007
12:30 p.m.

We're probably insane, but we're attempting to get a Wee (I figured I didn't want this one to be a search term) for 50 bucks, including the shipping.

EBay is the answer. Turns out that all those morons who stockpiled them around Christmas are still trying to get rid of them. I figure there's no other way to get a brand new Wee for fifty bucks without waiting ten years. Of course, there are seven and eight people bidding on most of them by the time they get down to the last two hours, so it's not likely we'll get one, but right now we're seven hours away.

I think it's incredibly stupid that people are buying them on EBay for more than they're supposed to cost retail (why Wal-Mart has chosen to sell them for six hundred bucks, I dunno; low prices always my ass). While I realise many things could go horribly wrong, we're being picky, only taking people with decent feedback, reading the descriptions a million times to be certain we're not just buying the box, etc. The one we're looking at now comes with a gift receipt so if we get it and it doesn't work, we can exchange it. And besides, if we're not going above fifty bucks, even if we should get screwed, we're not being screwed too terribly. My hope is that eventually we'll get lucky, someone will overlook our bid and we'll get one for a stupidly low price.

When I first heard about Wee I thought, "Awesome! I'll be able to play all my old games, I wonder how they did that?"

Then I realised, "Oh, I'll be able to download all my old games, well, hey, that's still awesome."

Then I saw the controller and thought, "That will make playing Super Mario an entirely new and bizarre challenge."

Then I saw that they have a semi-normal controller to go with it and thought, "They're not completely abandoning the old for the new. This is why I heart Nintendoo." (The word my brother and I purposely used for it for years, and we think it mildly funny now that Nintendoo is coming out with Wee. Yes, we are six and three again, why do you ask?)

Then I saw the Zelda game and thought, "I must have this! Ocarina knocked my socks off (even if I suck at the whole game, the mini games rock my world), and this is even more epic than that!"

Then I heard about WeeSports (sounds like the Olympics for people with incontinence), and I thought, "Must Have Wee! Must have sports I can play in living room, 'twill be like exercise and fun all at the same time! Pah to the DDR people!"

I guess there are a few other things that it does too, but for my money, Zelda, Sports, and retro games are all I desire. If this bizarre little venture doesn't work out, we've decided we'll wait until next Christmas and buy one and call it our Christmas presents. But just think, just think...

It's funny, my getting so excited about this. I was passionate about the SNES, and then when 64 came out, I lusted after Beetle Adventure Racing in the unhealthiest way, and my father and brother found out about the Zelda games. Ultimately, I think we only have four or five 64 games, making it ultimately a dissappointing buy. (I wish we had actually bought Harvest Moon 64 instead of borrowing it, though.) After that, I kinda got disillusioned with consoles, especially since Sony kept coming out with the exact same console every year and people would still act like it was God's gift to video games.

Erm, so, I just spent half an hour detailing the potential (albeit highly unlikely) manner in which we hope to come by a Wee.

Thank you to all of you who made it this far, now, go do something useful with your time.

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