Tonight is the night.
Monday, Oct. 31, 2005
9:07 p.m.

Happy Nanowrimo Eve! (Hallowe'en, what?) We're T minus two hours and counting... except that I doubt highly I'll be getting any writing in tonight.

But, I have a bit of a personal vow that whenever I can be on the computer, and I have my memory stick on me, I will be typing, so things may get lax around here. Of course, if they don't, I'm procrastinating and really shouldn't be here.

Worked the theatre's showing of Rocky Horror on Saturday. T'was fun, t'was theatre kids dressed as only theatre kids can dress for Rocky. I've promised my German class I'll bring in the photo of Friend David, because his costume defied description in class today in either language.

I'm still working on the Midsummer design project, but I have finished Titania (an Indian Rani) and Puck (an eight year old Newsie). Here's Titania.

It's a lot less extravagant than I saw in my head, but the only thing I think I might change would be maybe additional pieces in certain scenes. I'm thinking a big shimmery tissue silk shawl-y kinda thing, but I decided to draw her without it. Another thing I thought about adding, but was worried if I tried it I'd screw up the effect would be to put silver-y embroidery all through it, so she would sort of glimmer when she walked. I know what I would want for that, but I don't know how to make the effect, so I left that out too.

Oh, and I've done my designs thus far with small pencil drawings (blown up with a photocopier) coloured in with pencil and plain old washable markers. Costume Designer Carol is a bit of a flake, but a sweet lady; she thought I'd done them with pastels and watercolour.

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