Ulla Tidy Oop!
Thursday, Jul. 19, 2007
2:57 p.m.

Hello to those of you in the northeast! My site meter shows a lot of traffic from Maryland and Ontario lately, and I don't know if I can guess who you are. So, hi. Always appreciate readers.

I went to the library yesterday, checked out four books and finished two of them yesterday. They're Cynthia Voigt books, kids books, the first two of the Tillerman Cycle. I didn't realise there were seven. Though, from what I've now read about the others, I don't know that I want to know any more about the family than the first too books. Not for certain, anyway.

I also managed to find one Jeeves and Wooster book, The Code of the Woosters and I'm partway into that. The last book is a collection of five Miss Marples. I'm more familiar with Poirot, thanks mostly to David Suchet, but I caught a couple of the Geraldine McEwan Miss Marples that Masterpiece Theatre ran a year or so ago.

She's maybe not a definitive Miss Marple, but it's so obvious in the show that Geraldine McEwan is enjoying her work that it's just fun to watch. I love watching actors who are just getting such a kick out of what they're doing. It reminds me of how much fun all my friends had acting in high school, and is something I don't see much in college actors.

I saw a college performance of Nunsense this summer and you could tell that not a single one of those girls was really having any fun. And that's what Nunsense is about- a bunch of chicks showing off and having fun (because for all that people poo-poo it, it's really rather demanding of the actresses), that's why people go to Nunsense, not because it's any truly amazing piece of theatrical genius.

I should really find something to talk about other than what I'm reading and watching, but to be perfectly honest, I'm not doing a whole lot else. I've been inside a lot recently because of the massive amount of cleaning that needs to be done. It's not really a massive amount, but there's a good two hours of tidying up that I can't be bothered to do.

The thing is, I also can't do anything much else. If I were to go outside and do something, I'd feel guilty about having done that instead of cleaned.

The really big job, though, is that we've got to get one entire room re-arranged because we're expecting the arrival of another bed. The Boy's grandmother had a peculiar sort of hide-a-bed. It looks like a day bed, but it's got an extra bit of mattress that folds out from underneath it.

It's going to end up in our second bedroom ("This bedroom has an oven in it. This bedroom has a bunch of people sitting around watching TV. This bedroom is over in that other guy's house. Sir! Do you know you have one of my bedrooms? Do not redecorate it!"). It's going to take a good deal of work and possibly a clean out of the closets to get one wall cleared out enough that the bed can go there, rather than in the middle of the room.

In spite of my tendency towards bone idleness, however, I did manage to get two rounds of dishes done. That ought to count for something.

Now, if you'll excuse me, Roderick has just discovered Bertie in the silver room with his hands on the cow-creamer, and said Roderick has a shot gun, so I must get back to them.

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