The Search for... lots of stuff
Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2004
3:08 p.m.

This morning, I thought I would be able to share with you the exciting true story of "The Search for My Keys". Unfortunately for the viewing public (though fortunate for me), I found them. Yet another epic saga down the drain entirely.

Speaking of epic sagas, I want dearly to participate in NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. Oddly enough, it's an International organisation, occurance, freak show, phenomenon. I guess InNoWriMo never caught on.

The basic premise is quite simple, you write a ten thousand word novel in one month and are happy about that. If we do the math, thirty days hath November, that's approximately three hundred thirty three point three words a day or about one and a half pages. Not so threatening? If you have the time, or the ability to write things that are not "perfect" and not tear off major body parts. Lacking the latter entirely requires posessing the former and I don't.

I tried last year and got maybe three hundred words. Oh yeah. This year I'm much busier than I was last year. Maybe if this were something I set out to do all by myself, I could accomplish something. It's a difficulty of expectation. Here, honestly, I have no expectations and I can write anything. As soon as I try someplace else, I get expectations and end up so emotionally constipated that nothing comes out.

The lesson here? Have low expectations: if you have low expectations you can never be disappointed with anything you do. Also that I need more artistic bran muffins in my diet.

Anyone got a recipie for artistic bran muffins? I think it was John Lennon who was quoted as saying he had creative diarrhea, but that was probably due to the drugs. Still a laxitive, but not quite what I had in mind.

I wish my theatre classes were being helpful in that aspect. Instead we're graded, which really hems things in. We're a subjective major in an objective structure. To make it objective, it becomes necessary to put in tests and requirements based in quantity. Of course, if we were graded in quality, most of us would fail, and being graded for "trying hard" is a recipe for distaster. I would hate to have to be part of the staff in the middle of re-writing our curriculum this November.

We get a full extra day for Thanksgiving break if we only take theatre courses. The theatre closes the last Tuesday of November and the rest of the university closes on Wednesday. Nathan and I are taking off for CR that day. My family can't bother to make specific holiday plans far enough in advance, but his plans starting the year before.

His mothers' side has a Thanksgiving/Christmas extravaganza complete with soup. This occurs the Friday after Thanksgiving. Very big deal. I was at last year's, and that was the scary, "you have to meet everyone in this whole huge family". Now this year is the "we have to announce to everyone we're getting married". Maybe next year's won't be so bad.

Anyway, since this is Christmas for them, they have a great big gift exchange. I've got Nathan's nephew Lucas, age nine. He's a nice kid, but he's a boy and he has three brothers. I've been trying to think of getting him something that doesn't have pieces to lose, isn't messy, can't get destroyed, his brother's won't want, but that he'll like. Think he'd like a cement block?

What I want for Christmas is easy. Last year I yearned for a digital camera. That was really all I wanted. Did I get what I wanted? Nope. My parents, who were going to get one for me, went out and bought a brand new car. "Oh, sorry, we spent the money for the camera on the car."

So, this year? I need a car. This shouldn't be too hard, they only cost as much as a digital camera, apparently, so I get a brand new car.


We'll see what the grown-ups say when I put it to them like that.

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