Got the place
Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005
10:42 p.m.

In wedding news, we've got a place to hold this goat rodeo! It's thirteen miles from where we live- just over the county border. There were some worries about that but the caterers will go out there (for a travel fee, but that's not a problem), as well as the magistrates.

So, here's the most picturesque side of the building, and the lake that it faces.

We think that it's a western exposure, but we've been there just about noon both times and we can't get our bearings after driving circles all the way through the park.

This Saturday is more dress shopping for me, alone this time. This place has one potential, but it's the closest thing I've been able to find to what I really want. The saddest thing about the site is that I found it through a Mormon prom dress listing. The links were in with a bunch of clap-trap about the importance of being modest and how that does not compromise style.

It makes me feel like a real prude, and I'm not. I just want something that I can wear without worrying about it, or freezing.

Anyway, that's all the anything I know anything about right now.

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