Most Peculiar
Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2008
1:12 p.m.

So, remember the photo studio that never called me back, and never called me back, in spite of their promise to do so?

Yeah, they called this morning. They asked if I could come in for another interview, so I said yes (possibly against my better judgment, but I still don't have a job, so beggars, choosers, etc). That'll be Friday afternoon.

Then, I got another call from a place in the next town over (the close one, not the farther one) that I applied to about a week ago. It's for a job that's basically after school day care for middle school kids, but it's phrased a little differently than that.

They want me for an interview at nine thirty on Saturday. Yikes, I haven't been up by eight o clock on purpose for a long while.

Best case scenario would be if they both wanted me, and I could work mornings at the one and afternoons at the other. That would be awesome, and mean we might be able to afford to move next year.

I got a free month of Blockbuster's Netflix. I'm liking the exchange movies in the shop thing. I'm trying to decide if it might be worth it to pay for the service, though. Right now, it is, because it's free. Depends how many discs I can get through in a month, I guess.

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