Not Having Much Fun
Monday, Jan. 08, 2007
2:09 p.m.

Today (I leave at 2:30) I go back to the kids, and I'm dreading it. Today is the deadline for learning their lines, and while that is a loose deadline, given just to give them something to work towards, I worry that they may have learned a lot in vain.

I'm pretty certain I'm losing all three of the basketball girls, and still I'm counting on losing the two who haven't bothered to show up for anything. That's five, and about half my cast, which is probably going to mean some major re-writes.

I say again, if we were using a real script that we'd paid real money for, we would be up shit creek without a paddle and forced to cancel entirely or start over. As it is, I can salvage this, but I am pissed off at uncommunicative parents. There is no excuse for this sort of thing. The parents who do talk to me tell me I'm doing a wonderful job keeping them informed and it's not my fault, but I have this feeling that I should be calling them, and I hate to call people.

So, I'm going to go to rehearsal and see whether any of them show up. This is so not much fun right now.

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