More reasons I will never be a parent
Thursday, Jun. 28, 2007
9:44 a.m.

Nephew's 1 and 2 (15 and 10) are engrossed in Lego Star Wars. I am very tired. I am also never having children.

I feel like it's been a very long time since I've had a normal conversation with The Boy about anything. Nephew 1 believes that he is the central figure of all conversation, so we get a lot of "WHAT!? WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" He asked if there was any mail. "Oh." Yeah, real important for you to know, wasn't it?

We also get a lot of, "Let me help! I can do it!" Do you know what we're doing? "You're trying to *insert statement not even in the ballpark*" No. "Oh." Understand that we ask them for help whenever we know they can manage it. I also spend the entire day with them and involve both of them in everything. We've been to the library, the grocery, we've done the laundry, we've loaded the dishwasher, in addition to doing fun stuff. It's not like we're ignoring them.

Since Saturday, I have probably listened to something in the region of a thousand audible farts, followed each time by ten minutes of giggling. I have heard bad imitations of Fat Bastard, of Austin Powers fame, of Donkey, from Shrek, and more than enough Mr. Mackey, from South Park.

I realise they're boys, but really. Why doesn't this stuff get old? When I was that age, I at least understood to do the bulk of it in private with my brother. Then again, maybe they do. Much as I'd like to say something about it, I know it's only to get someone to notice it. It only takes a very tiny laugh to encourage that sort of thing, and if it's not really funny the first time, it won't be funny the thirtieth either.

Don't get me wrong, they're just wearing a bit thin. It also doesn't help that their manners stretched to the limit and gave yesterday, so there's been more call for "stop being mean to your brother, both of you" than I care for.

We went to Saint Louis, indian mounds, arch, and zoo. There's an exhibit on French Empire (Napoleon era) art at the museum that's free on Fridays that I'd like to get back and see before it moves on. Maybe only because I'm re-reading Annamarie Selinko's Desiree again.

It keeps raining here, right about two o clock every day. This means we get up in the morning and decide to wait for it to rain, and when it finally does, there's not much time for anything else that day.

The plan for today is probably swimming and tie dye t-shirts and I can't remember what all else. Tomorrow we make webpages, because HTML is not something they teach them in school. To be fair, I suppose most of the computer teachers across the country still remember having to throw files away on a Mac in order to close them, and many schools haven't updated their technology since then.

Then there will be a viewing of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, saved for now because I really didn't want to listen to catch phrases from that for a week. They wanted to watch Yellow Submarine the other day and it was way too nonsensical for them. ("Where do the apple throwing guys get the apples?" "If the country's at the bottom of the oceans, why isn't there any water?" "What's up with 'yes'?" "Are they going to sing again?") We'll see how Python grabs them.

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