Monday, Apr. 30, 2007
4:43 p.m.

I heart Pandora. I am not your average ear-bud wearing iPodded music lover. I see no reason to ensure that I have my very own personal library of six thousand songs on hand at all times. I don't even really listen to music that often, because I don't like a lot of it. I don't know very much about modern mainstream music because I don't like a lot of it. As far as my obscure music interests go, though, I wish there were more of it.

This is where Pandora comes in. I can pick something relatively obscure and Pandora will come up with a bajillion songs that are almost the same thing. Jim Noir, Jean Redpath, and Iron and Wine are my newest obscure favs- all hard to find in your local music store (I don't buy music online, requires a credit card), but easy to find on Pandora.

The RIAA is in the process of shutting down Internet radio. The rest of the country is busy trying to stop them. I mention this because Pandora would be one of the sites shut down.

Did Stephen Foster used to get all pissy because people sang and played his songs? The music industry has a right to be posessive, but they also need to understand that the way people listen to music is changing. Think about it, how many people sit around and play the old favourites on the piano a la Little Women? We don't make our own music anymore, we rely on other people to make it for us, but we still treat it as a part of ourselves.

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