Oh Boy Fauntleroy
Thursday, Sept. 23, 2004
9:06 p.m.

This morning Nathan went for diabetes testing. Since he made the appointment a week ago I've worried about the outcome, hoping he would test negative but assuming that such a thing was a slim possibility.

Apparently he tested 99. I don't have the slightest idea what that number means, but it seems that danger levels are more like 115 or 120. In other words, he isn't diabetic... yet.

As with all things medical, the way to try to improve the situation (or at least keep it from any further downward spirals) is with diet and exercise. Nathan wants to begin daily three mile walks. I told him that was great he was going to do something about the whole thing and it would give us a chance to talk.

Inwardly... I smirked. I expect this is not what a good girlfriend (oh, fine, I'll use the official term) fianc�e does, but Nathan is what you might call mulish, stubborn, resolute in regards to changing his daily routine. I assumed this morning the plan would last at least until a spot of wet weather hits: it rained all this afternoon.

According to the wisdom of friend Ben and the WeatherBug, it was not supposed to precipitate at all. This opinion conflicted, however, with the National Weather Service on the weather radio this morning. As I came out into the lobby from Directing class at two thirty the sky turned a cloudy black and began to pour.
National Weather Service: 1, WeatherBug and Ben: 0.

Luckily, working in the Box Office I had another two hours before even having to consider venturing outside. The first show opens in two weeks, but the students at this university are not credited for their desire to see slightly obscure plays (in the Midwest, Stephen Sondheim can be considered obscure) by theatre majors. Heck, students at this university cannot be prevailed upon to attend women's volleyball even if they are told that there will be hot girls in spandex right before their eyes. Needless to say, ticket sales are nothing special and those of us working have time on our hands.

Friend David, tired of MSN games and music videos, brought his electric guitar so of course he and I had a Buddy Holly sing-a-long. He has a passion for Holly since a performance of The Buddy Holly Story he was in, and I can sing "Peggy Sue" and "Oh Boy". He plans someday to bring his acoustic as it would sound much better in the lobby, but he first has to get a new G string.

From there, predictably, the conversation ran into the gutter and the topic of my new monkey, Fauntleroy. This morning I went to my Drawing and Rendering class and there on the desk sat the little red plastic monkey. Seemingly he had no owner and so I took him for my own and named him. If nothing else, I have learned today that you simply cannot pull a monkey out of your pocket without hearing at least a few choice comments. Especially not if his name is Fauntleroy.

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