Sunshine Day
Sunday, Mar. 27, 2005
11:39 a.m.

It seems that georgeous day number two for the year was scheduled to be today. Nathan's mother is going to be pissed.

Easter has been delayed a week thanks to Aunt Judy's Kidney Stones and a couple of other mini conflicts. It's his parents' turn to host Easter this year, but were asked to postpone it because of the number of people who wouldn't be able to make it.

His parents are upset about this because, had it been the other way around and they be unable to make it to the fest, it would've been held anyway. Now, this is the paternal side of Nathan's family: all of them live within half an hour of each other except for Nathan's father. I can understand why they'd have it anyway, but of course I'm not going to say that.

Snow has been predicted for this weekend since Monday, so of course it's fabulous. If next weekend proves to be anything less than fabulous, and the children's easter egg hunt unable to be held, and the relatives piled on top of each other inside the tiny house rather than spread over the back lawn, well, Nathan's mother is going to be pissed.

So I keep popping up to look out of the window at all of the sunshine and listen to the cardinals singing to each other. (Cardinal- didn't hear a cardinal all winter, but now that it's getting nice again...) If Nathan isn't up in ten minutes, I'm going to go and get my bike and probably not return for the rest of the day. I just want to go outside and play.

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