Cleaned the kitchen today
Thursday, Jun. 15, 2006
3:01 p.m.

I smell like vinegar. I set out this morning to clean the kitchen. It's a little ass galley kitchen, three couters wide is as long as she goes, and it's not even a true galley because it's not the hall type, it's the dead-end type. It's the sort of kitchen I don't even bother torturing my Sims with because they would just stand in it for hours on end, holding up their hands and shrugging at me.

Let's just say it's due for a proper cleaning.

So, I do all the dishes that the forty year old dishwasher won't get clean. Yes, forty. My grandmother got it used back in the 70's from one of her aunts or sisters or somebody and used it maybe twice. My grandfather thought that the whole thing filled up with water like a washing machine and figured it was a waste of water, so she started using it as a cupboard. Anyway, we have it now, and it works, but as well as can be expected for a forty year old dishwasher.

There are a couple of things with nasty stains on them, so I get out the vinegar and try to take them off- no dice. Even vinegar and baking soda is eluding me. I check online to work out what I might be doing wrong, and find a nifty cure for cleaning and deodorizing drains. So, I clean out the sink drain, and then I sweep the floors, and then I re-arrange all the cabinets.

It's quite amazing, now we have room in the cabinets to put things, if we so chose, and it's finally possible to find the things that are in it. I don't care to hear any more about not being able to find pots and pans in that kitchen now, because if someone had put them away properly in the first place.

Four hours this all took me. I started at eleven thirty and have only just now finished.

The next job is the bathroom. Can't wait.

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