Body Temperature Rising
Thursday, Apr. 19, 2007
7:15 a.m.

I've been up since five this morning since the cold The Boy had over the weekend decided it was time to visit me. I woke up with my throat on fire which only proceeded to get worse as the boogers took over. Yea.

I most passionately desire a good old fashioned glass and mercury thermometer. My parents used to have three (one of them was referred to as "the baby thermometer" because it was the other kind), but now they can only find one and are loathe to part with it in spite of the fact that my parents are sick Nazis. When I was a kid, I used to wake up and know I was sick. I'd still go to school. "Make them send you home," they said. "We're not keeping you." Between Kindergarten and my senior year of high school I had one genuine sick day (wherein I was sick and did not go to school), and that was in first grade. I still don't know what that was, but it was one of those illnesses that called for the Pink Medicine.

The Pink Medicine, Amoxicillin, is the best stuff EVAR. If they would market it as a genuine flavour, I would be perfectly happy. Unfortunately, adults very rarely have cause to have it perscribed and they also generally don't get the liquid form. Ah well.

Back to thermometers. The Boy has one of those digital ones and it is a piece o' crap. Half the time it doesn't work and it has never given a decent reading. It's always about two degrees lower than what it should be, except for when it refuses to work at all and decides we're dead.

OK, well, it's about time to wake up, so I'm going to try to go back to sleep for a while. Stay well.

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