Rings and things
Friday, Dec. 10, 2004
6:52 p.m.

Nathan and I have come to a conclusion. These are the wedding rings we're thinking about getting.

They're from Badali Jewellry.

We found them in a magazine of, well, nerd toys. It was a catalouge for people who play D&D and go to Ren Fests. I used to be terrible that way, though I never did play D&D or any of that sort of thing I used to gush with Romantic ideas about chivalry and the Elder Days. I admit, I will still go that way if allowed, but I no longer live in the world as often as I did in high school. But anyway, when I saw these I loved them, so I said, halfway kidding, that these would be great wedding rings. Nathan agreed with me, which I was not expecting.

He generally laughs at me when I wax rhapsodic about LOTR. I assumed this was just a little patronising on his part until a few days later when he mentioned them again. He was serious, I was floored. Fell in love with the guy all over again for being more nerdy than I'd originally thought. Two years later, still learning things. Why do people say their relationships get old?

Anyway, so we go on the magazine's website and they haven't got them online, at least not all of them, and not in half sizes. So I look again at the picture and then I noticed the BJS on the picture. I knew what those three letters meant together, for sure. This is the same company that's licensed to make copies of the One Ring. I have, in the past, lusted after a One Ring of my very own, so I knew the company very well from stopping by the site a few times a month week. I'm much better now, I realised that I don't really need a seriously expensive ring that won't even make me invisible. Better I pick one up for free like old Bilbo. I'm still sort of upset, though, that it's impossible to get a wedding ring that glows "I Love You" when it's heated like Shrek2 lampooning LOTR.

Well, I'm happy enough with what I have.

I'm trying to work out what I'm actually going to get for Christmas this year. I know there is a huge difference between what I would like to have and what I'm going to get. I asked my parents for a lamp and cookbooks and cooking utensils, things I need. I asked my brother for mechanical pencils because, well, he's a cheap bastard who would rather buy himself Christmas presents and burn everyone else at the stake. I'm not kidding, he says that himself. I figure I at least have a chance with the pencils.

What do I really want? DVD's. I don't have very many because my parents only jumped on the DVD wagon because I kicked them on and bought them a DVD player for Chirstmas. My brother was supposed to share in that, but, nope, still waiting for the 40 bucks on that one. So I have this lovely DVD drive on my computer, and not nearly enough DVD's to watch on it. Darby O'Gill and the Little People is out on DVD now, and so is Ballykissangel, with the third series due to be released sometime in the coming year. The Extended ROTK comes out in little more than two weeks.

But, DVD's are expensive and impractical, and, though that's what you get when you're a kid, when you're a college student who doesn't earn enough on her own to buy things like printer cartridges, it just doesn't work that way. The thing is, printer cartridges and paper were standard the last two years, but now I have so many I won't run out for a while.

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