Ramen to ye fine lubbers
Tuesday, Mar. 28, 2006
10:57 a.m.

Yar, and today be a Holy Day, declared by the Prophet Bobby Henderson himself. Today the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is out in stores. Dress in your pirate-y best for this marvellous occasion.

Since the FSM is one of the themes of my play, I haven't decided whether or not to e-mail the prophet a copy of the script, or just a video of the ballet. The ballet is supposed to be an interperative dance of the Pastafarian creation story, so yes.

The play had its first read-through last night. I am now going to be credited as the one and only director, because one of our actresses can't be in the show because of commitments to the main stage show (it's a long complicated story involving the relationship between the Student Theatre Organisation and The Department), so Co-Director Molly is doing the role instead. Officially, she can't do both. So I am directing and Molly is unofficially giving me advice (probably along with the rest of the cast).

It looks like we may have to cut things for time, because it took long enough to read and it will take twice as long to act, so I'm already trying to decide what CAN be cut. The other thing we have to do is either write a speaking part for Tiny Sam, or convince her that her two non-speaking roles are super important (because they are, they just don't have lines).

Things to think about.

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