Cold Homework
Thursday, Nov. 02, 2006
9:11 p.m.

I'm supposed to be writing a directing proposal for Proof. It's due tomorrow at four thirty. I haven't started.

Someone should really catch me and grade me according to the schedule on which I do my papers. Someone should be able to read them and realise I did it the night before and not give me an A. Really, what's my motivation to do better if I can write a paper at the last minute and still get the highest grade? It bothers me every now and then that no one seems to realise that's what I'm doing. Either that or they do know, but they're only grading comparatively and don't care.

Actually, if it were just the analysis, I'd be done by now, but I also need a vision and concept. I know most people think of those as one thing, not two, but trust me, in this case they're different. The vision is your understanding of the story, "The Crucible is about terrorists!", and the concept is how you show it, "Let's use Nazis!"

The problem is that without making it a Concept Show (with a capital C), I don't know. This is why I'm not a director. I think that plays should be directed "the right way", which is my way, and that means to approach it with a greater understanding of the text than other directors I have seen.

It is freezing. Well, actually, it's below freezing. According to the national temperatures, though, it's still in the 70's in Florida. What sort of crazy bizarro world is that? Their outside air is the same temperature as the inside air here. I think that happens maybe one month out of the year, total, in the Midwest, when the desired inside temperature and the actual outside temperature are the same. You get 15 days in April and May, and then another 15 in September and October. The rest of the year, something's working desperately hard to keep it warmer or cooler.

Being cold makes me sleepy. Can't go to bed, though, until The Boy comes home from his paint call. Well, that and it's only just after nine. I should at least make an effort to get some of the things I have to do done. Or at least, pretend to make an effort.

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