Scientific process goes "boink"?
Friday, Nov. 25, 2005
11:26 a.m.

I run SETI@Home, the programme that hooks up to the Arecibo satellite down in, I don't know, some gorgeous tropical island, according to Reading Rainbow. The goal is, as SETI stands for, the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence. However, Berkley (the university running the programme) has decided they're not going to do it the old way anymore. They've switched over to running through some programme called Boinc.

I don't understand how to make Boinc understand that I had an account with the old system, nor will it send me the e-mail containing the number I need for the change to the new system. I am thoroughly disappointed at the moment, and so have uninstalled everything to do with it.

Unfortunately, it seems, when Arecibo does find something, I won't be able to say I was a part of that. I've been running the programme as long as I've had my computer- that's almost four years now. It's a little sad to say good bye, but, man, I don't know how to make Boinc work.

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