If I Had a Billion Dollars
Thursday, Feb. 01, 2007
9:11 p.m.

Second entry, something I don't do a lot, but I've been inspired by katiedoyles thoughts on having 100 million (also known as a billion). That's roughly 200,000 semesters of grad school, or 454 average American homes. Putting it into perspective, let's see, what would I do with that kind of money?

I would totally invest in my theatre/restaurant/preschool for grown ups idea. I feel like I've mentioned this before, but it may have been in a note to someone. Anyway, bears repeating. It'd be a place where adults (maybe we'd even say 16 and up) could go to rent games- Twister, Clue, Sorry, Candyland (sometimes, grown ups just want to play Candyland) and maybe puzzles and brain teasers. Since I'm a billionaire and not interested in the money, check out would involve leaving the cost of the game. Check in would then involve making sure all the pieces were there and mostly undamanged. If something's missing, you get a chance to go back and search for them, otherwise, you get the game and we keep the money to buy a new one.

There would also be spaces for naps. I'm not certain whether I envision big versions of the Kindergarten nap mats, or if it's more a soft deep-cushioned couches and blanket sort of place. In the nap room, everyone must remain quiet, but there would probably be single person napping rooms for people who want to put on music while they nap, or something. You leave your time and method of awakening with the staff, and they make sure you get up again.

The restaraunt would serve really normal food- PB&J, Mac&Cheese, oatmeal, grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup, all that stuff that you sometimes wish you could order at a restaraunt, but rarely can. It wouldn't even be a gourmet version, just plain old plebeian favourites that you could order and someone would bring to you.

Connected to it would be an admirably funded community theatre that would be more like student theatre, because it would perform collaborative pieces, do original children's shows (for kids, by kids, with kids sometimes), and new plays in addition to doing "The Music Man" or "Best Christmas Pageant" or whatever every now and again.

Since it's a theatre and a game complex, there would probably be some fun workshops and classes offered. Improv and that sort of thing, or a chance to be involved in a staged reading of a play, or a class that just meets to play games. We might even have, like, magic shows and local personalities come and perform.

The idea is that, while not a 24 hour place, the doors would probably be open until midnight, and anyone entering before then could stay until maybe two.

In a lot of ways, I think it would be totally great especially for the 16-21 crowd. You're not old enough to get into bars in a lot of places, and it's an alternative to a coffee shop or Barnes & Noble. I remember being in high school and college and having nothing to do with my time because I didn't drink or dance. And not everybody wants to do that every night. It would also be good for older people who want to be involved in something, but don't necessarily want to be a member of a group. It's like a low key YMCA, or a high energy library. Think elementary school indoor recess.

In addition to that, there would certainly be much going to far away places. England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, maybe Italy (never been much of a fan), Ireland. Then down to Australia and New Zealand. Depending on how all that goes, I might consider forays into the rest of the world- my grandfather did, but he always went with tour groups. My experience with tour groups hasn't been great, and I don't know if I really want to plunge unaided (because The Boy has already declared me the International Travel Expert based on my having a passport and him not) into a country where I don't know the language.

I would probably start at the beginning of March and finish up the trip sometime in November. Nine months abroad. Gives me a chance to see what I want to see and give me time to consider return trips for the rest of my life.

When I finally got back, I'd spend the winter doing nothing. Buy a house in the middle of the woods and curl up in a big comfy chair reading all winter. Between the computer and the library and going out into the woods, I probably wouldn't do anything else from November to March. Then, I'd start the Trans-America Tour.

The Trans-America Tour is a driving tour of the US. Well, some of it. Starting from wherever in the Midwest I was, I'd get onto I-80 and head to New York. I'd check out some Broadway plays (side note, there's a thing I could do, go to a new show at the drop of a hat!), do the NYC thing, and then head up to maybe the northeast and definately Canada for a while.

There I'd check out Prince Edward Island, then Quebec, Toronto, and maybe a few other places. By now, it might be June-ish and I'd head back into the US, I'd get back onto 80 and head out west. Go back to Yellowstone and stop at every little 1950's tourist trap on the way. I'd probably try a couple other places too, but I'd want to get to California just to say I'd been there. See all the usual stuff, San Francisco, San Diego, LA, etc.

I'd probably skip the southwest and the Deep south. I'm a little wary of those places and unlike California don't think that just going there to go there is quite worth it. I'd save that trip.

OK, so, now that I've perhaps spent the equivilent of maybe 20 houses in two years... Hmmm, that's a lot of stuff in a short time. I'm almost 23, let's stretch it out to three years, go until I'm 26, just to make it easier and spend a little more. I still have 430 houses to go.

I endow my high school with a carefully detailed gift for the upkeep and maintenance of the theatre and vocal music departments.

Next, I'd ask my friends if they have any projects they want to start up. Music clubs, theatre companies, vanity publishing projects; I'll help out.

While I might not help Nathan's siblings out, I'd probably set up something for their children (those already in existence and those of the future). I think I would say it had to be for college or medical purposes, though.

After all that, I think I'd leave the next few years spending up to The Boy. Of course, this also leaves out the paying of the debt, the setting up of a retirement fund, all that sort of looking out for yourself stuff that would have to be done. There would also be much donation to various organisations and charities.

If you really look at it, after taking care of my future as best I can, the only thing I'd really do for myself is travel. I probably wouldn't move into a million dollar mansion or change much about my own lifestyle.

OK, I've been avoiding some course work for two hours now (not just here), I'd best get to it.

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