I hate people: a rant
Monday, Dec. 05, 2005
2:08 p.m.

I hate people. Anyone who believes that people are genuinely good- bullshit. People are only good when they have to be, the rest of the time they are bastards.

Case in point (and the reason I'm a bit steamed right now): my father has a semi mania for collecting bikes from the Goodwill. Bikes and golf clubs sell for amazingly low prices and are actually worth far far more than they're sold for at the Goodwill. Schwinn's sell for two dollars while crappy children's ten speeds go for $15.

As a result of this habit of my fathers, Nathan and I have some fairly good bikes that were got for really cheap. Or, rather, had. At last count, we had four or five of them. Today, we have one. I had told my father I didn't want more than two bikes, but he wouldn't listen to me.

What does that mean? We had a bunch of bikes cabled up together, so some jerkwads cut the cables and made off with them. Since they left the most valuable Schwinn that was cabled by itself my guess is that, rather than druggies looking to sell some bikes and buy their next hit, they were drunken bastards with cable cutters.

People suck, and now is not the time to tell me any differently. From the government to Wal-Mart to your every day next door neighbor, people are all bastards and I hate you.

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