Windy, Cold, and Green
Saturday, Oct. 30, 2004
6:00 p.m.

I heard Nickel Creek's "Green and Grey" the other day, and I thought it was one of the best songs I'd heard in a while. Today I focused on the lyrics and... not so much a fan anymore. Songs and I seem to have this difficulty often- they're wonderful, great songs, but they need different lyrics.

I've spent the last couple days trying to come up with a wedding dress. I'm thinking of something to the tune of Buttercup's wedding dress from The Princess Bride, but in the colour of Eowyn's green dress from The Two Towers, and probably with something completely different in the way of fabric, bodice, and a higher neckline. It seems as though no one has worn fitted sleeves and higher neck lines outside a movie set since 1912. If it were not for the fact that the wedding will be an outdoor affair in late May (when the average temperature is 60 degrees, and global warming isn't going to be going away any time soon), I would be more flexible about this.

On the subject of global warming, yesterday the high was a balmy humid 80. Today, thanks to the storms that crossed the Midwest, it was 50 with 30mph winds. I remember when Halloween time used to be warm enough to go out with only a light jacket. Now we discuss snow as a distict possibility. I'm only twenty. How can the weather not be fouled up somehow?

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