Why is the goldfish in my cowboy hat?
Sunday, Aug. 06, 2006
3:09 p.m.

I'm between loads of washing at the moment. Unpacking is taking longer than it ought to, but I understand why Mrs. Incredible calls up Mr. Incredible to celebrate being officially unpacked.

There's no place to start, so contemplating the job is something like a Bert and Ernie skit. It would be nice to put away the clothes, but we have more clothes than hangers at the moment so that involves putting some clothes into storage containers, but the storage containers are packed full of stuff that has to go into the bookshelves. We can't set up the bookshelves until we've rearranged the furniture in the living room, and the living room furniture is packed in with some of the boxes that can't go anywhere until we put the clothes away.

We're decorating in "Vintage Johnson". When my parents moved into their house, they had mostly cast off furniture from my father's side of the family. A friend of my mother's met her on the bus one morning and asked how setting up the house was going. My mother replied they were decorating in "Early Johnson".

Most of the furniture we have is from my grandparent's house. We have the bookshelves my grandfather built for one of the bedrooms, along with the living room sofa (the enormous aforementioned sofa), an armchair that fits me and doesn't tip over when sat in (like the goofy chair Nathan's got), and a few other things. Hence "Vintage".

Actually, it's nice because nothing matches. We've got a green pattern sofa, orange pattern chair, vivid green and blue bookshelves, and a dark red apothocary's cabinet. All we need is something yellow and something purple and the living room would be "rainbow" coloured. I like it mostly because otherwise the house is a brown and cream paradise. I'm trying to decide whether to spend money on curtains or ignore the ones that are already up.

Well, I can't hear the washer humming anymore, so I think it's time to go do some more putting away.

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