Teeny Little Super Guy
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2005
7:35 a.m.

I've been up since five thirty trying to research Teddy Ruxpin. Well, that wasn't why I was up, but since I wandered into the Internet that's what I was doing. (Note to self- the Internet is not an insomnia curative.) I can't even find a decent TR link, so everyone who does not remember the best-selling toy of 1985, sorry. It was the first thing I ever wanted for Christmas: since I was barely two years old at the time, that's saying something. I still have Teddy, at home (if my brother hasn't done something horrible to him), but I wish I could have all of the songs on a CD.

Of course, I also wish I could have the old Sesame Street songs on CD, but it seems most of the songs I like never made it to CD, or they made it to CD in a different version. This is the case with a lot of Joe Raposo songs- after his death a lot of the original clips with his songs have been retired and redone by children or muppets, like Little Things.

Actually, there are all kinds of "Sesame Street" resources out there, especially for those of us who got to watch the show before the death of Jim Henson. This is probably due in part to the fact that after 35 years the show has produced and discarded lots and lots of songs, cartoons, and skits. There are people who believe the show's "golden era" was the 70's, but a lot of the sketches from that time never seemed to get much airtime in the 80's.

Unfortunately, it's next to impossible for the very same incarnation of a children's product to last over a few generations. Nathan's brother has four sons who all like super hero action figures (Batman, Spiderman, etc.), Ninja Turtles and Transformers. These toys are the same things that their father and uncles played with, and I played with Lego sets and Lincoln Logs. While you can find toys that bear these names and logos, these are not the same toys of the 80's.

So, now that I've relived and mourned my childhood, back to bed with me.

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