NewUni and Shooting the Houseplants
Thursday, Jul. 06, 2006
5:53 p.m.

Hooray! I am officially admitted to the graduate programme at NewUni (Nuni?)! This means that OldUni got my transcripts sent, which means that, yes, I did in fact graduate- like I was supposed to, no thanks to their paperwork.

It's still an odd situation, as I'll be an undeclared graduate student. While that's probably better than those going to undergrad for seven or eight years, it's an odd position to be in. Mainly, if I don't get accepted into the department next year, I'm screwed. I can't think of any reason they wouldn't, unless they have fewer people get out of the programme this year than are supposed to (because they're full), but it's not exactly all warm and comfy.

I've been futzing around with my camera again. I'd forgotten it can take pictures in black and white as well as sepia and a few other hues. I've been making the philodendron (unlike Terry the Umberella Tree -now deceased- the philo hasn't done anything making it worthy of either sex or name) look artistic. I don't have the heart to prune it, which is what's suggested to make the plant look full on top rather than all over the windowsill, so it does look rather leggy.

Arty Philodendron.

Haute couture in plant-form.

Aged Philodendron.
Daring, laid-back, yet stylish.

Isn't there a self help programme for this sort of thing?

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