Unexpected Knitting
Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2007
4:39 p.m.

I took up knitting my junior year of high school because it seemed like the sort of thing that actors should be able to do.

I had seen several actresses fake knitting on stage, and nothing looks more ridiculous than someone who can't knit pretending to do so. The worst was a girl who held the needles the way they do in cartoons, and wiggled her fingers in a pile of yarn.

Besides, I thought, how hard could it be to learn? Also, actors spend a lot of time hanging around waiting: auditions, backstage, etc, why not have something to do with your hands? So, I learned to knit and made myself a very ugly purple scarf. I also ended up in a badly written play about a guy who breaks into the home of four women (three sisters and their mother) who read mystery stories and believe they're amateur detectives. I had a very long spell where I was on-stage, but didn't say anything. I decided I wanted to emulate Miss Marple and in the process of rehearsal and production, finished another ugly blue scarf that I afterwards gave to the girl who directed the show. When I graduated high school, I realised that I couldn't act my way out of a cardboard box, so I stopped knitting.

I started up again the other day. Against all odds, and the fact that I don't have the stuff to sew in the round, I made a hat, and it doesn't look that bad.

So, of course, my next project is a quartet of scarves for the nephews for Christmas. Just one little problem. I never learned how to sew with two colours. I can do wide Tom Baker's Dr. Who stripes, but I want to do checks and zig zags and stuff like that for the boys. The Internet is totally not helping on this one and I don't know where my old knitting book went. The trouble is that most of the sites I can find are for people who already know how to knit, so the descriptions are not very helpful.

Ah well, it's only August, and I've got until December. If I finished a hat in two days, I can probably do a scarf in a week.

Waiting to hear back from the vet's (either of them). Considering applying as receptionist for the Boys and Girls Club, but, from what I remember, B&GC always seems like the most unorganised national organisation in the country. The website in town was supposed to be finished after the new year, but its been abandoned since Dec. 2006.

Still considering that whole private lessons acting/writing something, but I have no idea how I would do that. I dunno, can you give private writing lessons that aren't remedial? Still, I dunno how that'd work.

Someone just got home from orientation and thinks he needs a nap. 'Scuse me.

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