You Just Love Reading About My Job Search
Tuesday, Oct. 02, 2007
10:47 a.m.

I sure love writing about it, I can tell you. Nothing thrills me more.

I'm guessing I failed the Big-Box-Computer-Store featuring the Nerd Patrol's personality test. Either that or my box office experience doesn't really count as sales. Unless you're expected to wait two weeks to hear from these people. I wouldn't know.

I went ahead and called the vet's office where I left an application and they went ahead and put out another ad. Well, they filled the ad in the position, but they are still looking for people. OK, I just wondered because I filled out an application just about a month ago and I wondered if you still had it on file? Give me your name and I'll see what I can find, OK? Bye!

I take that to mean, sure, I'm sitting two feet away from that particular file cabinet, but we were appalled by all those rejects who thought *WE* might give them a job. How quaint.

I am also not a big fan of this not letting the applicants that weren't chosen know that a job hasn't been filled. If you ask for our e-mails, it's as simple as a BCC mass mailing, "thank you for your time, sorry but we're not hiring you. because we hate you."

Not that I'm taking any of this personally, or anything. Just frustrated that I can't even get one of the mindless jobs. I guess they're all hiring the PhD's.

I've told you that story, right? Genius Prof back at OldUni said that his son moved to Seattle and was trying to get a job as a youth counsellor. He'd gotten a BA in English, had an Avenue Q revelation and got an MA in something that qualified him to do that kind of stuff.

Anyway, Seattle is apparently over-saturated in the therapist market (Fraiser, what?) and he finally applied to manage a Starbucks. Seattle is not, apparently, over-saturated with Starbucks employees. Well, he sent in the application, did the interview, thought all went well, and didn't get the job. He called them up to ask what he could have done better next time.

You did fine, the Gods of Starbucks Employment said, you had a great resume, wonderful interview, we really hope you find a job somewhere.

Yes, he replied, so do I. I was trying to get a job with you, if everything went well, why didn't you hire me?

We wanted to, the Gods of Starbucks Employment replied, but in the end, we had to give it to the PhD.

Meaning, in other words, the most overqualified person wins at Starbucks. Still, your life must be pretty miserable if you have a PhD and you have to get a job as a manager at Starbucks.

I don't think I've typed the word Starbucks enough in this entry. There, seven times, that ought to be enough.

Well, anybody want to pay me to do anything not too questionable? I keep looking at CafePress and realising that there's no way I could possibly make any money unless every single person I know bought a t-shirt, and not every single person I know likes me enough to buy a t-shirt with a goofy little picture on it, even if I did draw it.


Also, I don't know what the heck's wrong with the Haloscan comments. Sometimes the comments link shows up, sometimes it doesn't. Wishing I could better know how Javascript actually works, except that I don't really care that much. No, wait, I worked it out. For some reason, the link won't appear if my "short description" has an apostrophe in it. *Rolls eyes madly* HaloScan actually says "when writing your short description, don't use any spaces or special characters". Er, yeah. I can understand that for the page name, but the description is the title... Well, lessons to learn, I guess.

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