Jai Garu Deva Om
Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2007
12:15 p.m.

I have been waiting for Across the Universe to come out since I saw the trailer in Spiderman 3. I was even more excited when we went to see Transformers (I don't like the crappy action movies, but there are just some things I do for The Boy) and the cinema had a "coming soon" poster for it up in the lobby. September arrived, and AtU went into limited showing- limited to major cities six hours away.

OK, fine. The Internet tells me that AtU will go into general release on the 21st. It's now the 26th, and I can't find it anyplace except in those major cities six hours away.

Is this film actually showing anyplace where the rest of the world can see it, or not? I assumed that if you display a "coming soon" poster in your cinema, that would mean that you are indeed planning to show said film. If I get really desperate, I'll call, but I've been friends with enough cinema employees to know that they don't really know much, they just pretend they do.

They're re-designing the one cent piece. And then they're going to re-design the quarter to feature all the presidents. Is it just me, or has our currency been in limbo since 2000? It's like the economy bombed and they re-designed the money. Obviously, guys, that didn't work. It's probably because foreign nations don't recognise our money as currency and use them to play Monopoly: Malaysia, or something. Not saying anything against the Malaysians, saying plenty against this obsession with redesigning the currency. We're at the point that five year olds would goggle at the quarter design with the eagle on the reverse: "Look Mommy, this is a OLD money!"

I recently learned that the guy I kinda-sorta broke up with (OK, definitely broke up with, but did it in the horrible way I break up with guys) to go out with TB has dumped his girlfriend to go out with another girl. The girlfriend found out about it on Facebook.

He and I had a funny sort of relationship- conducted wholly long distance over the course of two years. We were 17 and stupid, don't give us any credit. It was all stupid, but the upshot of it is that he and I don't talk anymore, but I still catch some of his online activity (and vice versa, I suppose, but he doesn't read this, this was created after that era of my life).

Apparently, he went down to work for the Mouse in Florida and told his girlfriend that he didn't really want to try a long distance relationship (gee, I wonder why?). Then he ended up down there with a girl who was from their same university. Girlfriend read about it on Facebook after someone else told her about it.

While on the one hand, I still think he's a decent guy and I wish he would be friends (not without lack of trying on my part, ball was in his court and I guess I respected that he didn't want to play), on the other hand, I can't believe he'd turn around and do essentially the same thing to someone else that I did to him. Especially if he has no interest in talking to me ever again. I can understand not wanting to forgive me, but then being the hypocrite, that's a little far.

Even more strange/interesting to me is that the girlfriend in question is basically me the way I was six or seven years ago.

I dunno, on some distant level I feel responsible for it. He could've had a heck of a lot of real girlfriends in the two years we were... well, whatever we were, romantic pen pals, I guess. But he didn't, and she was the next after me, three years later.

I don't genuinely feel responsible for it, but it's odd to think that we should both still be a part of each others lives, even though we haven't even seen each other for seven years and haven't spoken for three. If it weren't for him, I probably wouldn't have had anything much to do with TB, because were I single, I would've been far too worried that he was only interested in one thing to be his friend.

This is why it's so hard for me to have regrets about anything. If I look back on the chain of events that is my life, the bad stuff seems to contribute just as much, if not more, as the good stuff does. It's not positive or negative, at this point, it's just change. And change is good.

Sounds of laughter, shades of life,
are ringing through my open ears
exciting and inviting me.

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