Considering a Hair Cut
Sunday, Jul. 16, 2006
1:30 p.m.

Thinking about cutting my hair again. Just thinking. Hmmm, I don't think I've mentioned my hair here before, so that's probably not as great a revelation as I think it is.

The last time I had my hair cut was 2003. It's longer than thirty inches right now. In terms of comparison that means that if I shaved my head I could braid the hair into a belt and wear it, and that I am in danger of tucking it in to my pants. I would say Arewn, but I think it's more in Galadriel territory at this point, except I don't have a body wave and since my hair isn't a wig, it's all the same length at the bottom.

Mostly, I want it cut because we own a carpet rake. We own a carpet rake because the carpet is full of my hair. After vaccuming, I get to take the rollers out of both the big Hoover and the little sweeper and cut the hair out of them. This does not include the hair that comes out of my head simply with brushing and doesn't even begin to mention the state of the bathroom drains. I don't know whether it will grow longer than this, but I don't really want to find out, so I might as well get it cut sometime before Christmas.

Last time I got it cut, I decided I was going to donate it, because I had read that Great Clips would give you a free haircut for donating the hair. They have an affiliation with Locks of Love. Now, I think spending $25 for shoes is highway robbery, so getting a thirteen dollar haircut for free is a dream. I cut Nathan's hair, not very well, but people tell him it looks OK of their own accord when I do it, so I guess it's worth saving the money. If I could reach the back of my head, I would cut my own.

Cool, I thought, free haircut and it goes to a good cause, because I am all about helping cancer patients when I can, know too many not to; not a bad deal. I went in and had it cut off to somewhere between my ears and my shoulders. This means it was something in the region of twenty inches, twice the ten inch requirement.

The girl who was cutting it asked me what I wanted done to it, didn't I want layers and didn't I want it, like, razored? I have no idea what this means, but I assumed it meant you end up looking like someone from Friends. I have to say, if someone walks into a hair salon with elf hair, do you think they're the sort of person who goes in for layers? They've just spent years growing perfectly straight, even hair, why would they want to look like they've been attacked with a weed whacker?

I explain over and over that all I want is a blunt cut, partly because that's what I want, and partly because it's a free hair cut: why should she do more than make sure it's even? We get to the end, and she charges me for it. By now, I was so intimidated from trying to explain to this girl that I wanted it cut and donated, that I didn't want her to do anything bizarre to it. Plus, she kept trying to give me advice, "you've got hair like this, so you should buy this gel crap to put in it, and you should buy this shampoo". Kids, I buy White Rain and/or VO5. You know why I buy them? Because they sell their products in a decent sized bottle for two digits, not three. But, I was sufficiently cowed enough that I didn't want to persue my "hey, isn't this supposed to be free" line of thought.

This was four years ago, and the memory lives clear, obviously. Honestly, I am reticent to get it cut again, because if I get it cut, it will be donated. Since Locks of Love says anyone affiliated with them will do it for free, that's what I want, and I don't want weird shit done to it. I don't want to go through the same thing I did last time, because this time, I really can't afford to get it cut. Frankly, if I did expect the place to layer it and texture it and highlight it and shit, I probably would pay for it, but I just want it to be even in the back after they hack it off.

So, I'm thinking. Still thinking.

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