Ghostly effects
Sunday, Jul. 10, 2005
10:52 p.m.

I need to stop writing when I feel like crap, but when I feel like crap I also have large swaths of time in which to write. Somehow I sense a connection here.

But, as it's quite difficult for me to listen to the Dropkick Murphys and remain grumpy, I'm beginning to feel better. I dunno why that particular band, probably has something to do with that gravely screamy voice quality, but why that leads to happiness...

Today was Nathan's father's company Open House. I, mistakenly, thought Open House was a daft name for Company Picnic We Want to Have at the Plant. I was wrong, it was a tour of the factory. That was bad for me.

I don't know why, but the whole time I was in the building I felt sick. It was as though I was not wanted in the building. I've gotten that mildly in other buildings before- I dislike the big new commercial theatre here at uni because that building radiates an unfriendly feeling, but it's never been the way it was today. It may have been the feel from the building on top of the fact that it's a very security-minded company. Everyone was wearing stickers allowing them to be there and signing where they were, and large areas of the place closed off and so forth may simply have added to only a mild bad feeling in the building... Eh, all I know for sure was that after being there an hour I was either going to cry or faint and I have no real explanation for it.

I suppose Nathan's whole family just thought I wasn't interested, because no one ever believes me when I say things like that about buildings. Other people get to be claustrophobic or dislike crowds or whatever, but if the building gives off bad vibes- you're crazy.

Speaking of which, I've become rather addicted to the ghost shows on the Travel channel. As a general rule, the paranormal and I have the same sort of relationship most people have with roller coasters. When I was a kid I'd watch any Unsolved Mysteries that had a ghost story, and then I'd be up half the night too scared to sleep. (Oddly enough, my lunch number code in middle school was 8765353, the programme's number without the 1-800.) Maybe I've grown out of that for the most part, or maybe I've learned enough from my own research and experiences that I have enough information not to be afraid of what I don't fully understand.

At any rate, the one I'm most interested in is called "Most Haunted" (I can't find a good website for it). It's basically a group of people actually going into haunted places with mediums and camera crews. In a lot of ways they were bloody irresponsible- wandering around the Green Gate Brewery alone and in the dark, talking to the rooms with a candour I wouldn't even use with a Ouija board, let alone a room I thought to be potentially filled of people I can't see.

The compelling thing about it was that they were actually managing, apparently in one night, to catch paranormal activity on tape. Now, if this is legitimate, it's pretty cool. However, the lack of a decent website about the show suggests to me that this may be a fake. I also recall that the British are fond of setting up phoney sceances and ghost hunts for television. They can do this because the population of their country is more intelligent than ours, who take for granted everything FOXNews can tell them. In addition to this, the necessity of being in the dark, and the fact that they never manage to get some of the "typical" ghostly effects I've seen on film and video, plus poltergeist activity that always happens just at the edge of the frame, are plenty of things to make me sit up and wonder just a bit.

Nonetheless, even if it is phoney, it's still fun to watch. The interviews and stories that most of the other shows consist of are informational (America's Most Haunted Hotels and such), which is good, but "real ghost activity" is just good fun.

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