Let's See Your Game Face
Wednesday, Apr. 30, 2008
12:03 p.m.

Since I'm writing, you know there's something new to be said on the job front.

I have an interview for a kid's sports photographer assistant position in the next town over. From what the guy said, it's a part-time Saturday's kind of thing taking lots of pictures of Little Leaugers as fast as possible.

I was never on a kid's sport's team a day in my life. This was mostly because I never wanted to spend all my time playing sports. The kids I knew who were in sports were always in sports- they never had time to do anything else. Their weekends and evenings were either devoted to practice, or they had to keep them open in case of extra practices, or other team events (fundraisers, parties). If you missed two practices out of the whole summer, you were off the team. And this when I was in the second grade.

I guess it's just as weird as my reading through the library book club every summer. "Yeah, but you have to go to the library a lot, and you have to read, like, fifty books over the summer! Who has that kind of time to want to read fifty books?" At least ours wasn't a list- you could read pretty much any book, but it had to come from the library.

Anyway, the job will probably only pay just enough to drive me back and forth to the job, since the place is in the next town. I initially didn't want to do this, but at this point, I don't care. I can look for another job at the same time (the guy said that a lot of people do that) and stick this one up my mother-in-law's nose. I just hope I get it.

I like kids, I would rather be outside on the hottest day than stuck inside, I can wrangle moms, and I at least have an interest in photography, if I don't have any actual experience. Why shouldn't I get it?


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