Massive Fail
Tuesday, Feb. 03, 2009
1:06 p.m.

This year I have worked exactly twice. While I'm pretty certain it's just because they're not busy and not that I am not long for employment, I still worry. I had the schedule for all last week, on which I was supposed to work three days and worked none.

I thought briefly about calling to get the schedule a couple of times, and, didn't. Like as not they'd give me a call and all would be well. No problems.

Problems. We had a big ass-snowstorm recently consisting of ice, covered in snow, covered in ice and frozen solid. After two days of the whole town being shut down, we went outside to look at the cars parked in front of the house and choose which to unearth.

Car #1 is right around 25 years old. It has brand new tires, battery and brakes. It doesn't have a rear view mirror because it's been too cold to make the glue stick since it fell off. It is also broken in several other ways, so even though it runs perfectly fine, driving it feels like driving a junker. I don't care, but I won't drive it to work without the rear view mirror because the route takes me right down the center of town by the police station. I do not want to be stopped for anything because, while my former state license is still good for another week (SHIT, I need to do that), I should've had it switched two years ago when we moved here. But The Boy hates to drive the other car unless necessary. He has deemed Car #2 Primary Car.

So that's the car we dug out. Car #1 has been sitting in front of the house with the pile of snowplow snow behind it.

The Boy was home for lunch at 11:15 when work called.

"Hi, we accidentally have all kinds of people in the studio and one person working. Could you drop everything and come in?"

"Sure!" I said, because TB doesn't usually come home unless he has a few hours, so I was pretty sure he could drop me off at work and I could just hang out in the mall until he could come get me. No problem.

I get off the phone.

"You have to wait an hour."

"This can't wait an hour, they're having an emergency now. 45 minutes was too long."

"I'm eating lunch. I have to go back to school at noon."


"How are you supposed to get there?"

"You're dropping me off."

"I'm eating."

"I'm taking the car."

"I can't get the other car out in ten minutes after I'm done eating."

"Well, what am I supposed to do?"

Minutes later, I called work back. No, I can't make it because I don't have the car- the other car is still snowed in. I am so so so sorry. I did not add that my husband is a selfish jerk, but I was thinking it.

I just now got called again. "So, you're scheduled to work from five to seven tonight. Can you make it or should we call somebody else?"

"I don't know. My car is snowed in and I don't think I can get it back."

"Well, we'll try somebody else, but let us know, OK?"

More fun facts? TB has work until six and has a rehearsal at seven thirty because it's tech week. I call him, twice to indicate this was an emergency. Nothing. But his phone is on, so I don't know what the problem is.

Shovel in hand, I go outside. It is colder today than it has been since the snowstorm- 13 compared to 45. There is a block of icey snow frozen as high as the wheel well behind the car that my meagre little efforts do nothing to budge. Yes, it is an old metal boat of a Buick, but it is not an ATV. I am not getting that car out under any power I possess.

On the one hand, I am pissed at myself. I should've called and asked what the schedule looked like. That's my fault. I should've shoveled out behind the car while it was melty. I am also pissed at TB because, geeze, he's eating soup, we have thermoses. Drop me off at work and survive. I would've gone without eating anything.

On the other hand, I feel a little justified that I can't make it, because, dude, whoever was supposed to call people in last night didn't do it. I know I'm just generally supposed to assume I am working, but when it's been twice in a month...


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