Thursday, Apr. 14, 2005
1:28 p.m.

I can't feel the palm side of my left ring finger. Well, I can feel it, but it's that pins and needles feeling. This is due to my death grip on a nylon rope used in a group project today and Friend Nick's overzealous yanking on said nylon rope. These two things together resulted in a gash that runs the width of my finger. It tore away the entire first layer of skin, but I can't understand why it's all numbish.

Truth be told, it freaks the hell out of me because the injury was about three hours ago and in spite of the Neosporin-ed Band-Aid, I'm no better. I'm especially bothered because it's my ring finger. The ring is actually on the opposite hand now because the injury was sustained while I had the ring off, and now the Band-Aid won't let it go back on.

Tolkein fan though I am, I don't want to loose a digit.

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