What Would Brian Boitano Do?
Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2006
2:06 p.m.

Glad I went out taking pictures yesterday. Last night there was a frost and most of the leaves that were on the trees yesterday are on the ground today.

Haven't yet heard back from the elementary school, so I'm looking up plays but not yet spending money. Which means I can't actually read anything to make a real decision, because my collection o' youth theatre is somewhat slim. How about I go with what I know and just have them do MacBeth?


Seven o clock on Friday is It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, and it's on ABC, so I can watch it this year. It's not surprising my Christmas list is full of television series I can no longer watch. Unfortunately, come Christmas, CBS owns Rudolph, because I have the Charlie Brown Christmas special on DVD.

It is officially, however, the season to watch Nightmare Before Christmas, as is anytime between October and January. For all they say that the holiday season starts in October, this is the only movie to capitalise successfully on that.

I'm a little worried about trying to buy Halloween candy, though. If we buy it too early, one of us will eat it, but if we wait too long, it's not as likely we'll find anything. A few years ago, we ended up at a Wal-Mart on Halloween night, about eight o' clock, and they were in the process of switching over to Christmas right then. They'd put all the Halloween candy on clearance and moved it into shopping carts at the back of the store. Now that, was scary.

The Boy is convinced that there will be a democratic majority this time around for Congress. I laughed at him. I am of the opinion that the vast majority of people who really care about ensuring their party is in power are Republicans, therefore more of them are likely to vote. We're dealing with an entire government that leaves my age group, at least, completely ambivilent. How many Kang v. Kodos and Douche v. Turd Sandwich variations are there?

We started this conversation because we went to see Prof Gandalf's play last night, and it was about three different gay couples and their various problems due to the fact that this country continues to treat them like second class citizens, and it's legal for the country to do so. I look at it this way: we have a Torvold Helmer government, and Nora is right in that both she and her husband would have to change so completely before anything so good as reconciliation and cooperation could happen.

We have a system that is supposed to be slow to make change, that was done on purpose, but we're in Lewis Black's Starbucks across from a Starbucks land in that time stands still in terms of goverment. As far as goverment is concerned, 2001 was still yesterday, not five years ago.

Except for when time's going backwards. If all this garbage I hear about having to have a passport to get on a plane to get into the next state is true, I'm updating my passport just to flee the country and go... somewhere. If I want to live in a constant state of uncertainty about the future of my freedom, I'll move to England, where I at least know in advance that liberty is a priviledge, not a right. It's my expectation that by living in America I have certain rights that are particular to Americans. If I don't have them, well, I'd rather have free health care, and a stable economy. If my country won't give me either, why should I stay?

I'm getting all political, and it makes me apathetic and grumpy. I'm not registered to vote, since we moved, and am getting to the point where I wonder if I should even bother. If I pick Kang or Kodos, time still stands still.

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